Thursday, November 27, 2008


Today is Thanksgiving and among all the important things (family, freedom, health, etc) that I thankful for...I am thankful for humor. No matter what our political affiliation, we must be able to find humor in some of the political gaffes that our leaders find themselves in.

I am blessed to have so many liberal friends who fill my inbox up with Sarah Palin, GW and McCain jokes...and of course, I respond in kind with Obama, Pelosi, Kennedy and Clinton fare.

So please enjoy some of my favorite cartoons, top ten lists and more that poke fun of our political leaders.

And some of your favorites.

Happy Thanksgiving to you all and remember...sometimes you have to laugh...just to keep from crying!

Letterman's "Top 10 Sarah Palin Excuses For the Turkey Slaughter":
10. I can see Russia, but I can't see what's going on 5 feet behind me
9. Not thinking straight after spending all night reading every newspaper and magazine
8. Damn "gotcha" media got me again!
7. My Remington shotgun says I don't need an excuse
6. Those were Al Qaeda turkeys
5. I thought they were just toruting the little guy
4. I mean, doggonit, you know, like we have to lower taxes, and like, it all falls under job security, and we need to drill, you know?
3. Uh, stomach flu?
2. I'll get right back to ya! I'm still adorable, America
1. Don't blame me! Blame Joe the Turkey Slaughterer

Keith Olbermann weighed in on "Wattlegate" as well: "What's the difference between a hockey mom and a mass turkey-murdering machine? Looks like about 15 feet."

1 comment:

wild said...

lol fantastic!!!!!